Put Motion Into Your Presentation

Presentation videos offer a level of flexibility and convenience that traditional in-person presentations simply can't match. With a presentation video, your audience can watch and review your content at their own pace and on their own schedule, allowing for greater accessibility and reach.


CTG - Explainer Video

Client: CTG

We had the pleasure of diving into this great brief from CTG. Using the provided voice over we crafted the animation to help emphasize what was being said to make the video more engaging.


ACES - Company Overview

Client: ACES

We had the pleasure of diving into this great brief from ACES. Using the provided voice over, we crafted the artwork and animation to help emphasize what was being said to make the video more engaging.


Kleinschmidt - Company Overview

Client: Kleinschmidt

Using photos and a clean presentation we helped Kleinschmidt explain what their company is all about in an interesting way

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